Grace is always available to us.

Grace is always available to us.

The spirit of grace is embodied by those who have chosen to leave judgment behind. Grace might always be available to us, yet it eludes the many who instead select to reside in the emotional energy of past grievances. Sadly, that energy creates walls that prevent the...
Let’s talk about seasons.

Let’s talk about seasons.

As in nature and in life, there are seasons within partner relationships. As life has seasons of expansion and contraction, so do relationships. These seasons might not last a specific length or duration, yet they do occur and they tend to follow the rhythm of life...
ASK JEANNE – Chapter 016

ASK JEANNE – Chapter 016

Dear Jeanne, It has been a while since I contacted you – almost ten years ago. Back then I was on the verge of committing myself to a man that I was so in love with and was contemplating relocating across the country to live with him. Here it is eight years...
ASK JEANNE – Chapter 015

ASK JEANNE – Chapter 015

Dear Jeanne, It is so hard to even talk about this. I am officially heartbroken. I guess that I fell prey to someone who was just after money. It felt so good to receive the attention from him for the past several months that I just didn’t catch on to his intentions...
ASK JEANNE – Chapter 014

ASK JEANNE – Chapter 014

Dear Jeanne, I have been either dating or living with my boyfriend for over 5 years. I am happy with the way that things are – which is good almost all of the time. Until … the topic of marriage comes up. Then, not so good. He comes from a really great family and I...
ASK JEANNE – Chapter 013

ASK JEANNE – Chapter 013

Dear Jeanne,  OK – I’m just going to ask this:  Why do men need sex so much?    I truly don’t get it.  I mean, we aren’t teenagers anymore …  Work, children, house stuff …   I barely find time to work out...
ASK JEANNE – Chapter 012

ASK JEANNE – Chapter 012

Dear Jeanne, Can we talk animals in the bed? Seriously, my boyfriend cannot sleep without his dog in the bed with us. It has been that way since we first started getting serious (sleeping together) and it’s something that bothers me and I cannot tolerate any longer....
ASK JEANNE – Chapter 002

ASK JEANNE – Chapter 002

Dear Jeanne, No matter what I do for my husband’s children, they treat me horribly. I have tried to talk with him about this and he says that he doesn’t know what to do about it … this blending families is not the easiest thing. F. D * * * * * * * * * * * * * *...