by Jeanne Fritch | Jul 4, 2023 | Uncategorized
Appreciation is such a powerful energy within relationships. All relationships THRIVE when the spirit of appreciation is present. So, what is appreciation? It is the recognizing and enjoying of the good qualities of another. It happens when you are a “good...
by Jeanne Fritch | Jul 4, 2023 | Uncategorized
Most couples experience a sort of “magic famine” at some point in their relationship. When there are long-term, unmet desires for magical moments or romance by one or both of the partners, there exists this condition of “magic famine”....
by Jeanne Fritch | Apr 30, 2021 | Uncategorized
Dear Jeanne, I appreciate your input here. My wife and I have not done anything on our own for over 6 months. We have two children (7 and 10) and our lives seem to revolve around work and kids and their events and needs. What happened to US? Missing My Wife * * * * *...