Let’s talk about seasons.

Let’s talk about seasons.

As in nature and in life, there are seasons within partner relationships. As life has seasons of expansion and contraction, so do relationships. These seasons might not last a specific length or duration, yet they do occur and they tend to follow the rhythm of life...
ASK JEANNE – Chapter 002

ASK JEANNE – Chapter 002

Dear Jeanne, No matter what I do for my husband’s children, they treat me horribly. I have tried to talk with him about this and he says that he doesn’t know what to do about it … this blending families is not the easiest thing. F. D * * * * * * * * * * * * * *...
ASK JEANNE – Chapter 001

ASK JEANNE – Chapter 001

Dear Jeanne, About 4 months ago my husband was offered an advancement up the “food-chain” in his company. He got a nice pay increase with a bigger management role for him. Since then he has like zero-time outside of work and sleep, and he’s exhausted and distracted...